Make investing in paper bags your New Year’s resolution
This blog is about to avoid plastic material from new year for a healthy year.

New year’s resolutions are often about health or fitness, motivated by the mountain of food we consume over this era.If you’re uninterested together with your usual resolutions for brand spanking new Year, why not consider reducing the quantity of plastic you employ instead? Not only will it challenge you daily, but it’ll also positively impact the earth. We’ve got some ideas for 2020 to assist you reduce the quantity of plastic you’re using:
“Eco-friendly paper bags”
1. Swap your bags
Of course, our first suggestion was always getting to be to swap out your plastic bags for something a touch more environmentally friendly!
If you want to purchase bags, confirm they’re paper bags or a bag-for-life as both are often reused for various purposes. Once they reach the top of their life, they will then be recycled as they’re going to often be made out of recyclable or biodegradable material.
If you’re a retailer, consider switching to paper bags to form more of an impression and encourage your customers to form a difference in 2020. we’ve an entire range of paper bags available, which may be customized to make a shocking bespoke bag.

2. Water bottles
It is very easy to select up a bottle of water from the shop when you’re feeling thirsty, and they’re pretty cheap in most cases.
Whilst most water bottles are often widely recycling, it’s all about making choices to use less plastic in order that less is produced. By investing during a reusable bottle or two, you’ll carry water around with you and even keep it cooler for extended if you purchase the metal ones.
Some reusable bottles still have some plastic in them, but they’re a far better and longer-lasting alternative, can act as a thermos, and are often dishwasher safe too!

3. Food packaging
When you next wander into a supermarket, have a glance around and see just what percentage products are wrapped in plastic.
Plastic is sort of hard to avoid in supermarkets, but if you’ll visit a farmer’s market or attend smaller individual butchers, fishmongers and fruit and veg shops. you’ll handpick your produce and take it away in your own bags!
Many larger supermarkets are now offering the choice to require away cereals, fruit, and meats in your own containers – so do check your local stores first for eco-friendly paper bags!
We hope we’ve given you some ideas around the way to reduce the quantity of plastic you employ in 2020! We are wishing all of our customers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!